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음악의 거장 베토벤이 키우던 사랑스런 강아지.
몇년간 베토벤 밑에서 어깨너머로 배운 음악 실력이 타의 추종을 불허한다. 악기면 악기, 춤이면 춤, 지휘면 지휘... 만능 재주꾼에 코믹까지 겸비하면서 어떤 인간도 베토빈 앞에서는 좋아하지 않을 수 없다.
슬플땐 무지 슬퍼하며, 기쁠땐 무지 기뻐하는 풍부한 감성의 소유자!
항상 클래식을 흥얼거리며 엉뚱한 일을 잘 꾸미는 강아지......
The "Beethovin" is a lovely puppy raised with Beethoven who is a great musician.
During living with Beethoven, he had learned the music over Beethoen's shoulder, and Beethoven's effects, his musial abilities were daily progressed and monthly advanced as it is peerless, and he became an excellent talent at the last.
So, everybody likes him, because he play all the musical instrument, dance, and he is a musical director, too.
씨알존은 캐릭터에 관련된 전문가 집단입니다.
10여년간 캐릭터개발, 캐릭터라이센싱, 캐릭터 상품개발을 전문으로 진행해온 전문가들이 캐릭터에 관련된 노하우를 가지고 세계적인 캐릭터를 탄생시키기 위해 끊임없이 연구 개발하고 있습니다. 특히 보다 친근하고 귀여운, 머천다이징에 적합한 캐릭터를 전문으로 개발 및 라이센싱하는 회사로 현재 다양한 개발 캐릭터로 국내,외에 라이센싱을 전개하고 있습니다.
The CRZONE is a group of professional related with character, and the professinals those who has done character's development, character licensing, and the development for characterful products professionally for 10years are doing research and development constantly in order to creat a world character. Specially, the CRZONE develop the suitable character for the merchandises which it is more cute and intermate, and lead licensing business with deverse character developed at local and foreign markets.
2003. 04 Servicing freechal avatar for Heartbear.
2003. 06 Participating in Licensing 2003 in USA.
2003. 07 Participating in 2003 Character Pair.
2003. 08 Selected a company with support business that is for new product with excellent character form KOCCA.
2003 11 Participating in Licensing Show in Japan.
2003. 12 Contracted 60 kind of products applied with 5 kind of characters, Producing and Sale for the products.
2004. 06 Selected a company with support business that is for new product with excellent character form KOCCA.
2004. 12 Awarded commendation from the Minister of Ministry of Culture and Tourism
2005. 03 Developing the avatar stuffed toys "Beethovin".
2005. 10 Sale for the avatar stuffed toy "Beethovin".
2006. 03 iron kid manual
2007. 05 backgom manual
2008. 01 mobile service-HongKong
2009. 02 KEYEAST character developing