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서울시 강남구 삼성동 무역센터 2층 106
TEL 02 6000 3963 / FAX 02 6000 3962
World Trade Center Sammseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-731, Korea
[email protected]
디자인 콘셉
주인공 코비는 코비타운에 사는 귀여운 두더지를 컨셉으로 한 캐릭터 입니다.
두더지 답지 않게 통통 뛰어다니는 코비는 친구들과 함께 사랑하는 가족, 그리고 전세계 코비타운가족을 찾아 세계여행을 하는 것이 취미입니다.

여러분도 동참 하실래요?
둥근 눈사람의 형태를 기준으로 한 디자인을 이용해 다양한 변신이 가능한 사랑스러운 캐릭터로 제작 되었으며 제품, 광고, 애니메이션등으로 다양한 컨텐츠로 다가 갑니다.
The main character, Coby, is based on the cute of a mole living in Coby Town.
Coby likes to jump around, unlike the typical mole, and people say that his hobby is spending time with his friends, loving family, and the diverse people living in Coby Town?
Coby’s family is with people traveling the world to find the Coby’s relatives^^

Cobe’s design is like is a round snowman and with is lovable shape, he has been producted into a approach character he comes to you in many forms, including merchandise, advertisement, and animation
Betty licensing 은 ‘individuality’(개성)과 ‘creative’(창조성)이라는 슬로건 아래 항상 새로운 캐릭터를 개발하고 발전시켜 세계시장으로의 진출에 선두적인 역할을 하는 기업으로서 국내 캐릭터의 인큐베이팅을 토대로 캐릭터.애니메이션/일러스트등을 이용한 문화 콘텐츠를 수출하고 캐릭터 라이선싱의 체계화를 위해 힘쓰는 젊은 라이센싱 그룹입니다.
Betty licensing is a young licensing group working on systemizing the character licensing process through exporting culture contents such as character/animation/illustration based on incubating of domestic characters.

BETTY licensing will keep 'individuality' and 'creativeity', the most important values in 21st century, through inventing and devel oping new characters.

BETTY licensing pursues an intelligent management system represented by know-how accumulation and effectiv information sharing and it provisdes new "experiences" to customers with unearthing new characters and incubation based on the endless challenge spirit and creativity.

BETTY licensing shows the superiority of Korean characters to the world with is passion and sincerity which never stop until it creates the best value.
2003.10 Appointed as membership company of Korea Female Business Man Association
2003.10 Participated in 2003 Toko Asia Licensing show.
2003.11 Participated in 2003 Dicon show
2003.11 Participated in 2003 BCWW(Broadcast worldwide)
2004.06 Participated in licensing show 2004 in New York
2004.07 Participated in licensing show 2004 in Seoul
2004.08 Participated in licensing show 2004 in Hong Kong (A contract with A.S WATSON)
2004.08 Participated in 2004 Dicon show
2004.11 Participated in 2004 Toko Asia licensing show
2004.12 Making Character, animation(pizza pangpang, love triangle)
2005. 01 Founded Betty Licensin Seoulg. Co., Ltd
2005.09 Making MBC ‘Sam soon pig’ manual guide book, Concluded management contract with Oz land.
-Brand Marketing
2005.10 Making ‘odd family’ manual guide book
2006.02 Making ‘Mispic’ character design.(A contract with A.S WATSON)
2006.03 ‘korea sport newspaper’ golf comicscontribute to Golf magazine
2006.03 Making ‘IT WORLD’ Game character
-Brand Maketing
2006.04 Making coxe charcter manual guide book and Concluded management contract with oxe
-Brand Maketing
2006.05 Making wine character content manual guide book
-Brand Marketing
2006.08 Making ‘dang dang’ character content manual guide book
-Brand Marketing
2006.10 Making ‘tod taylor’ brand manual guide book and marketing.
-Brand Marketing